Welcome to Healing Yourself Video! This area of my site is where I get real about healing myself on the GAPS diet & how that can relate to your own journey. No censoring here! Especially when it comes to the hardcore struggles that inevitably come up: physical, spiritual, emotional, or psychological. I reframe all of these, show you that you are not alone, and normalize this entire healing process.


*click here for CANCER episodes*


GAPS Diet in Real Life

*correction* work up to 2tsp cod liver oil {fermented}= 16 capsules. 2x that if cod liver oil is not fermented. Also- pass parasites often right after I do this. 🤓




Managing Detox

*leaning against the bathtub when I passed out* if that wasn’t clear 😅 • LIVER is also a great way to support detox! That’s in the next video if you stay tuned ; )


Getting Rid of Parasites in the Body

I’ve passed multiple 100,000s. Probably closer to a million at this point. 🙃🤢😘

Energetics of Healing Yourself





What it’s like Working with 1 of the Best GAPS Practitioners in the World





Grief and Loss on the GAPS diet or because of it




How to Calculate How Long You’ll Need to Be on the GAPS Diet

  • The video mentioned has been taken down! To learn more about it and the other GAPS Certified Instructional Videos you can go here.




 GAPS Certified Instructional Videos





The Detox Process on the GAPS Diet


*sunbathing theory from Dr. Natasha’s work and my own experience*




Why I Made GAPS Certified Instructional Videos




My Process Removing Heavy Metals on the GAPS Diet





Recovering from a Binge or a Holiday on GAPS





Being ‘Adaptable’ on GAPS





Cultural GAPS Clash





Fuck the Pretty Bow on All the Healing Journeys












*****The following videos are from awhile ago before I decided to revive this page. And I decided to leave them on here. Feel free to check them out for their tips or to see how different I look. haha*****


The 3 Major Gut Killers and How to Avoid Them

There is a little bit of my story sprinkled in this video because I have experienced all three of these gut killers!



***Some of the Staff at the City of Boulder truly cared about using the least amount of pesticides possible. Their establishment is more conservative with chemical use than most other city municipalities. My experience is not so much a reflection on the City of Boulder as much as a reflection on how land is managed in the United States in general.***

I also forgot to mention that although the average time to heal your gut is around 2 years, I know someone who was on the GAPS diet for 6 years. And she now healthfully eats grains without a problem. She gives us hope!

As promised, here is a link to my full story. I’ve also included links to two articles in case you want to know more about how the GAPS diet heals your gut, or how gut damage causes autoimmunity and food sensitivities.



How to Make an Easy GAPS Intro Soup in 5 Minutes

Heal your Gut and maximize your free time by using this Simple Hack.



This trick makes me feel sane, even when I’ve been on GAPS Intro for months! It is also a great strategy that anyone can use to incorporate more gut healing meals into their diet.



The Best Cuts for Beef Meat Stock and Why

My stocks are more nutritious and healing than they have ever been because they incorporate foods that are left out of even a modern day ‘paleo’ type of diet.



This meat stock includes the top building foods to nourish your body and heal your gut.  Watch to find out what they are and how to use them in your day-to-day life to mitigate die off and experience healthy levels of energy.















***The information in these videos is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about nutrition, lifestyle, and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please go to laurenmeadowsweet.com/disclaimer. ***