GAPS Cocktail

No, this GAPS cocktail is not alcoholic haha. It’s just a way to spice up your meat stock intake!


On GAPS, Dr. Natasha recommends you drink at least 5 cups of meat stock a day for adults, 3 cups a day for kids. But really in general, the more the better.


But How, especially at first when you’re not used to it, how can you stomach that amount?


Have no fear, the GAPS Cocktail is here!


I actually love drinking meat stock, but making this cocktail turns it into a fun and special treat.


What you will need:

  • 2 cups meat stock
  • 1 Tbsp Animal Fat (more or less depending how you tolerate it)
  • a splash of sauerkraut juice or beet kvass (fermented vegetable brine)
  • 1 smashed clove of garlic
  • sea salt to taste


How to put it together:

Heat up your meat stock first.  Make sure that it is the perfect temperature, warm enough so that your animal fat will melt when you put it in, but cool enough to not kill the probiotics in your vegetable brine.  Scoop in the fat, then splash in your brine.  Smash a garlic clove and toss it in there.  Mix it all around, and Voila! The perfect GAPS Cocktail!


GAPS Certified Instructional Videos so You can Transform Your Life

It took me: 3.5 years on GAPS, a lyme diagnosis, record-breaking amounts of pesticides in my body, an incredible amount of heavy metals, a GAPS practitioner certification, and 8 months working intensely with one of the top GAPS Practitioners in the world before I figured out how to do GAPS right + truly started healing myself. I don’t think it should take that much time, suffering, or study for you.


That’s why I created the GAPS Certified Instructional Videos approved by Dr. Natasha’s Son to completely change the way people go on GAPS forever. You’re in the right place if you want to See the Videos.