5 Ways I Prepped for Covid-19 Without Even Knowing it

While this Covid-19 Coronavirus has caught the mainstream medical community with it’s pants down, skilled alternative healthcare practitioners have been effectively treating viruses for ages.  Here are 5 things I’ve been doing for awhile that have prepped my immunocompromised self as much as possible for this pandemic.


1)Being on the GAPS Intro Diet

I’m on the GAPS Intro diet and have accidentally become an expert on it.  You can read more about how GAPS Intro has prepared my compromised immune system for the Covid-19 here or more about my general GAPS Intro story here


2) Sourcing Food from Local Farmers

The more I’ve learned about nutrition, the more I’ve learned that grocery stores just aren’t good enough.Even the best ones.Did you know a head of broccoli loses half of its nutrients within 24 hours of being picked, yet it takes 7 weeks on average to get to your grocery store? Like I said, not going to cut it for me. 


Well, now we’re all wondering, ‘how long is our supply chain going to last?’ or ‘Are we going to run out of food?’  At least I certainly am.  And the empty grocery shelves speak to this fear.  When checking in with a friend in LA, he said…

None of us honestly know how long this lack of supplies will last or if it will happen again.  But I already know that if my back is really against the wall, I’d call Krista or Abram, my farmers and my friends. 


My partner and I also grow some of our own food.Yes this is a privilege, and we’ve given everything we have toward this vision.Not because we were certain of a global pandemic, but because we intended on eating the best food possible.And Lord knows… there is no way in hell I will eat canned food (dead food) in the midst of a health crisis. If I were, I know my immune system would not have a fighting chance against this virus. Instead, I am buying a ton of food from farmers, making it into GAPS Intro soup, and freezing it into individual portions.  


3) Eating Liver + Cod Liver Oil Every. Single. Day.

I have been eating large amounts of liver and cod liver oil every single day for the past few months. Both of these foods are incredibly high in Vitamin A. Becky Plotner of Nourishing Plot references that some believe every disease is Vitamin A deficiency. The National Institute of Health says that Vitamin A shortens the duration and intensity measles, another infamous virus.


Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning your body stores it up over time.So the time to start building up your reserves is NOW. Cod Liver Oil is also high in Vitamin D, which is a misnomer because Vitamin D is so much more than a vitamin! Instead, I think of Vitamin D instead as a hormone that makes all healing possible.  Most people in America are deficient in Vitamin A and D.  So chances are, you probably are too.  


4) Having Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide on Hand

Dr. David Brownstein, a holistic MD famous for his work with iodine (also effective against viruses under the correct supervision, but I can only fit so much info into one post!), almost laughs at the ineptitude of the modern medical community.  He states that, ‘For over 25 years… my office has been successfully treating viral infections.’  The main things he orders for his virus-infected patients are intravenous Vitamin A, C, D, and food grade hydrogen peroxide.


The food grade hydrogen peroxide got me curious because I already had some on hand to clean my enema bag.  My doctor confirmed that if I got the Covid-19 virus, I could put 2-3 drops of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a full glass of water and that should take care of it. She said to do it as a last resort, but if I’m being honest, I’d probably do it at the first sign of symptoms along with high amounts of cod liver oil, Vitamin C, and a few other supplements (more on that to come).


5) Not Trusting the Government or Mainstream Medicine to Take Care of Me

After being too sick to work and mainstream medicine only making me more ill, I haven’t trusted the government or Big Pharma to take care of me for a very long time. I learned the hard way that I am responsible for the outcome of my life because I am the one who cares the most. Though no one changed my entire diet + lifestyle for me, I am so thankful for my beautiful family who supported me through this process. 


And even though we are not going to get direct help from the big whigs, we still have each other. And we are stronger together! Please reach out to me if you ever need anything or have any questions. I’ll be thinking of you.



GAPS Certified Instructional Videos so that You can Transform Your Life

It took me: 3.5 years on GAPS, a lyme diagnosis, record-breaking amounts of pesticides in my body, an incredible amount of heavy metals, a GAPS practitioner certification, and 8 months working intensely with one of the top GAPS Practitioners in the world before I figured out how to do GAPS right + truly started healing myself. I don’t think it should take that much time, suffering, or study for you.


That’s why I created the GAPS Certified Instructional Videos approved by Dr. Natasha’s Son to completely change the way people go on GAPS forever. You’re in the right place if you want to See the Videos.